MaxQuant.Live 2.1 is live with Tribrid (Eclipse?) support!


WARNING! Please actually check the legal stuff that I mention below at this other post

Oh yeah! As I mentioned earlier this week with the really impressive new preprint from Huffman et al., this group used new functionality on their Q Exactives that were enabled through the use of MaxQuant.Live. 

A friend downloaded it for his Fusion 3 and let me poke around and take screenshots during the process. While Tribrid support is a big win to allow super powerful enhanced functionality for these system, that isn’t all that is new here. Priority management for targeting was the functionality that really pushed the limits on Gray Huffman’s new study and while that looks greyed out here this screenshot was taken before everything was connected to the Tribrid.  I hope to know soon how well this works on our Q Exactives. 

However, I do think that it is worth mentioning that there is possibly more words in the legal agreement than there were before. Some of these are very cool. Some appear less cool, but who knows with legalese. Just to be careful I’ve scribbled out identifying information. 

If you’re part of a commercial entity you might want your lawyer people to take a look at it before setting it up. I do know for sure that one US company did have problems with the wording in an earlier version of the MQ.L agreement and won’t let scientists there use it. Always worth considering, I guess. For the capabilities that this offers (BoxCar, huge intelligent targeting and exclusion lists with retention time alignment, the ability to set your own resolutions, etc.,) it might even be worth talking to the smug people in your legal department to get if you have to! 

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